• Original research article
  • May 17, 2023
  • Open access

Essay genre on the pages of ‘Tomskie gubernskie vedomosti’ (Tomsk Provincial Gazette)


The paper is devoted to a thorough understanding of the essay genre based on the material of ‘Tomskie gubernskie vedomosti’ (Tomsk Provincial Gazette). The study aims to identify the peculiarities of the poetics and typology of the essay prose published in ‘Tomskie gubernskie vedomosti’, the first official periodical of the Tomsk province, in the second half of the XIX century. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying the relationship between the process of formation of the Siberian essay, development of its poetics and typology and the emergence of periodicals in the region. The results of the study have shown that, firstly, the development of literature in Tomsk was somewhat lagging behind the development of all-Russian literature and depended on regional printed publications up to the late XIX century. Secondly, the main and most popular genre among contributing authors turned out to be the essay due to its genre properties. During the analysis of typological features, the spectrum of the most priority topics addressed by the authors of essays has been determined. Historical, ethnographic, statistical and memoir-biographical essays have been distinguished on the thematic basis among the essays published on the pages of ‘Tomskie gubernskie vedomosti’. The study of the essay journalism of the selected thematic blocks has made it possible to determine the poetological peculiarities of the Siberian essay: interrelation of documentary and belles-lettres features, free composition, pronounced journalistic orientation.


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Author information

Maria Vladimirovna Tarasova

Tomsk State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: March 17, 2023.
  • Published: May 17, 2023.


  • очерк
  • сибирская периодическая печать
  • типология
  • поэтика
  • сибирская литература
  • essay
  • Siberian periodical press
  • typology
  • poetics
  • Siberian literature


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