• Original research article
  • May 17, 2023
  • Open access

Terms for dance movements of Bashkir folk dances


The aim of the study is to identify the peculiarities of the terms for dance movements of folk dances in the Bashkir language. The paper clarifies the notion of ‘Bashkir folk dance’. In the study, the main attention is paid to the comprehensive description of the names of dance movements in Bashkir folk dance. The study is novel in that it is the first to propose the terminology of folk dance movements in the Bashkir language taking into account their territorial-dialect names, using the example of takmaks – Bashkir ditties performed in a recitative and song-recitative melodic style. As a result, it has been proved that the main dance terms for foot movement in Bashkir dance are «тыпырлау» (‘tapping’) and «йөрөшләү» (‘variable step’), which are imitative or playful in nature. In men’s dances, the movements are contingent on the figurative expression of horses’ hoofs clattering, horse riding, in Bashkir women’s dance, each movement reflects a certain type of work: spinning, sewing, weaving, felt dressing, cloth making, cooking and many more. It is with consideration of the above-mentioned peculiarities of Bashkir dances that the names are analysed in the presented paper.


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Author information

Ilnar Irnazarovich Вaibulov

Ufa University of Science and Technology

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: March 23, 2023.
  • Published: May 17, 2023.


  • башкирский язык
  • народный танец
  • танцевальная терминология
  • термин движения
  • танцевальная лексика
  • Bashkir language
  • folk dance
  • dance terminology
  • term for movement
  • dance vocabulary


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