• Original research article
  • May 17, 2023
  • Open access

Representation of the concept MOSQUITO in the Even language picture of the world


The research is aimed at the complete description of the concept MOSQUITO in the Even language picture of the world. The scientific novelty consists in the description of the concept MOSQUITO in the Evens study with the linguocultural aspect. As a result, it is revealed that the concept MOSQUITO in the ethnic language consciousness is a part of macronomial field of the summer season. The key lexemes-representatives кулин and куличан date back to the Tunguso-Manchurian root кули- and have the general definition ‘insect’. The derivation field of the concept is represented by a small set of verb lexemes. The figurative content of the concept MOSQUITO is identified in the speech of dialect speakers, in the texts of fiction and folklore discourses and is represented with the comparative constructions formalized by the formants -мдас, -гчин, -гичин, the adverb урэчин, the metaphors and methonymic transfers. It is substantiated that the anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, vital, ornithological and subject features are the prevailing figurative conceptual characteristics. Value and assessment components expressed by the lexical units with expressive assessment in the Even language show the world perception and negative attitude of the native speakers towards the nature phenomena MOSQUITO.


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Author information

Raisa Petrovna Kuzmina


Institute for Humanitarian Research and Problems of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberian Branch the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yakutsk

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 1, 2023.
  • Published: May 17, 2023.


  • лингвокультурология
  • оценка
  • образный признак
  • языковая картина мира
  • концепт
  • cultural linguistics
  • assessment
  • figurative feature
  • language picture of the world
  • concept


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