• Original research article
  • June 15, 2023
  • Open access

Literary portraits of M. A. Vrubel and M. A. Bulgakov in the creative work of K. G. Paustovsky


The study aims to identify the specifics of the individual style of the Russian Soviet writer K. G. Paustovsky demonstrated by him in the process of recreating literary portraits of his contemporaries, the geniuses of the Silver Age – the Russian painter, modernist artist M. А. Vrubel and the outstanding playwright, mystic of the last century M. А. Bulgakov. The scientific novelty of the paper is accounted for by the authors’ attempt to identify the psychological techniques and language markers used by the writer to recreate the literary portraits of his heroes, contemporaries – the “messenger of other worlds” M. A. Vrubel and the talented master of the printed word M. A. Bulgakov, to analyse the origins of their talent and to assess the artistic heritage of the geniuses from the writer’s point of view by examining K. G. Paustovsky’s fiction documentary works. As a result of the study, it has been proved that in order to recreate the literary portraits of M. A. Vrubel and M. A. Bulgakov, K. G. Paustovsky employs the artistic visual-expressive power of describing the details of their appearance, way of talking, features of their creative work. For these purposes, the writer uses colour vocabulary, which helps him communicate his own fleeting impressions of interacting with the geniuses, shed light on certain psychological features of his literary characters, recreate their personalities, convey a complex range of feelings, experiences and anxiety from situations or events important for them, try to provide insight into the nature of their talent.


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Author information

Irina Anatolyevna Galyas


Sevastopol State University

Zhanetta Anatolyevna Rudenko

Sevastopol State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 11, 2023.
  • Published: June 15, 2023.


  • К. Г. Паустовский
  • литературный портрет
  • портретная деталь
  • колоративная лексика
  • ассоциативная обусловленность
  • K. G. Paustovsky
  • literary portrait
  • portrait detail
  • colour vocabulary
  • associative conditionality


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