• Original research article
  • June 15, 2023
  • Open access

Manipulative concepts and their representation in Joe Biden’s official speeches in 2022-2023


The aim of the study is to identify the manipulative concepts represented by certain linguistic means in Joe Biden’s official speeches and the special mechanisms of influence on the consciousness of the potential US electorate. The scientific novelty of the study lies in determining the concepts objectified in the public speech of the American president in 2022-2023 and in identifying the strategies, tactics and techniques of speech manipulation present in his speech. As a result, it has been found that the manipulative concepts in Joe Biden’s official speeches are represented by the lexemes ‘(Russia’s) Invasion’, ‘Covid’ and ‘Employment’ with the use of the speech strategies of downplay and intensification based on images, sign systems, and life values. Among the manipulation tactics used by the president there are, first, the tactics based on human feelings and needs (physiological needs, life values, the need for security, etc.) and, second, the tactics of manipulative presentation of information (distortion of statistical information; exploitation of digital data, etc.). Most often Joe Biden uses the technique of narrative intimization (the pronouns ‘we’ and ‘our’), which creates the impression of having trustful communication with the audience and the illusion of joint decision-making; sometimes he uses epithets and metaphors, which also possess a great manipulative effect.


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Author information

Marina Vitalyevna Vlavatskaya


Novosibirsk State Technical University

Olga Georgievna Porechnaya

Novosibirsk State Technical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 29, 2023.
  • Published: June 15, 2023.


  • политический дискурс
  • речевое манипулирование
  • стратегии
  • тактики и приемы манипуляции
  • лексико-грамматические и синтаксические средства выражения
  • political discourse
  • speech manipulation
  • strategies
  • manipulation tactics and techniques
  • lexico-grammatical and syntactic expressive means


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