• Original research article
  • June 15, 2023
  • Open access

Structural-semantic characteristics of derivative verbs of motion in the German language


The aim of the research is to identify and describe the structural, semantic and functional features of derivative verbs of motion with derivational suffixes of the directional meaning in the German language. The scientific novelty of the work lies in taking a holistic approach to the study of the ways of dynamic relations explication. Carrying out a component analysis, the paper is the first to identify the semantic features of functioning of the German derivative units belonging to the lexico-semantic group ‘Motion’ in syntagmatic structures based on the correlation of ‘verbs of motion with the verbal components-particles of prepositional and adverbial character of the directional semantics + a prepositional/non-prepositional construction’ with the causators of the initial, intermediate and final points of motion. The research findings have shown that the nominative field of spatial-directional relations consists of 12 propositional models and word-formation categories, the constitutive components of which are word-formation types (series of word-formation types) with a certain degree of productivity, as well as a connotative and collocational potential. In addition, German verbal particles of directional semantics demonstrate nominative independence and, as a result, affect the processes of text generation. It has been found that the influence of the studied suffixes on the content structure of the motivating word forms two types of word-formation meanings: the modifying meaning, which includes the modifying-amplifying one, and the mutational meaning, which includes the neutralizing one.


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Author information

Leysan Atlasovna Akhmetova


Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University

Milyausha Ravilevna Shaimardanova


Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: March 6, 2023.
  • Published: June 15, 2023.


  • словообразовательная категоризация
  • глаголы перемещения
  • форманты направительной семантики
  • дифференциальные семы
  • предложно-падежные конструкции
  • приглагольные частицы
  • word-formation categorization
  • verbs of motion
  • suffixes of directional semantics
  • differential semes
  • case-preposition constructions
  • verbal particles


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