• Original research article
  • June 15, 2023
  • Open access

Features of euphemization in modern ecological discourse (by the example of the German language)


The paper is devoted to the study of euphemisms, which, due to certain functional values, have a great manipulative potential realized in various discursive practices. The concealment of unpleasant facts through euphemisms is often found in the mass media reflecting political and business interests, as well as in product advertising. The aim of the research is to identify the semantic-pragmatic and extralinguistic features of euphemistic naming units characteristic of modern German ecological discourse. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that it was possible to determine the causal factors that activate the processes of secondary naming in the language leading to the creation of euphemisms in the ecological language. The authors describe the functionality of euphemistic naming units and also consider in detail their structural-semantic aspect. As a result, it was found that euphemisms as means of softening negative assessments are always conditioned by the social situational relevance and are distinguished by the ability to conceal the direct meaning of the denotation, mitigate its negative connotation, thereby not causing negative associations in the recipient.


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Author information

Olga Valeryevna Petryanina


Samara State Economic University

Elena Vladimirovna Revina

Samara State Technical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 24, 2023.
  • Published: June 15, 2023.


  • эвфемизм
  • экологический дискурс
  • термин-композит
  • денотат
  • манипулятивный
  • euphemism
  • ecological discourse
  • compound term
  • denotation
  • manipulative


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