• Original research article
  • June 15, 2023
  • Open access

Conceptual organization of technical knowledge as a result of the cognitive semiosis evolution


The paper considers the problem of conceptual organization of technical knowledge and technical terminology, which is relevant for general terminology and the theory of a technical term, analyzes the classification parameters of the key typical types of technical knowledge concepts and also examines the processes of semiotization and verbalization of technical and technological knowledge, the functional and derivational-semiotic specifics of technical terms that function in a scientific and technical text. An interpretation of technical and technological terms of various structural organization is proposed as a verbalized result of the evolution of technical knowledge and cognitive semiosis. The aim of the research is to present the foundations for the formation of the conceptual and categorical basis of a technical terminological system and a terminological cluster. The scientific novelty of the research lies in identifying the parameters of the conceptual organization of verbalized technical knowledge in the terminological cluster “Engineering and Technology”. It is the first time that a conceptual classification of the technical and technological epistemological continuum has been developed and presented; single-component and multi-component “hybrid” terms, which act as material markers and the result of the cognitive semiosis evolution, have been identified and described as the core elements in a technical terminological cluster; in addition, the term “technical concept” has been characterized taking into account various aspects of its structure and content from the cognitive perspective on the basis of multivariate analysis. The results obtained made it possible to show the stages of conceptual development, the classification features of a technical concept and its functions, the conditions and methods for systematizing scientific and technical concepts representing various aspects of technical knowledge for the first time. The results of the study can contribute to further development of modern technical terminology, the theory of technical semiotization and verbalization of knowledge.


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Author information

Daria Ilyinichna Novoseletskaya


Krasnodar Higher Military School named after Army General S. M. Shtemenko

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 12, 2023.
  • Published: June 15, 2023.


  • техническое понятие
  • термин как когнитивная единица
  • объектно-содержательная классификация технических понятий
  • технико-технологическое знание
  • терминологическая номинация
  • семиотизация технического знания
  • научно-технический текст
  • technical concept
  • term as a cognitive unit
  • object-content classification of technical concepts
  • technical and technological knowledge
  • terminological naming unit
  • semiotization of technical knowledge
  • scientific and technical text


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