• Original research article
  • June 15, 2023
  • Open access

Levels of conceptual correspondence between the concept and the concept scenario (based on the experimental material obtained from adolescents with normal and impaired hearing)


The paper describes an experiment based on the developed methodology that contributes to the establishment of conceptual correspondence between the secondary emotion as a concept and a concept scenario similar in terms of content, which together form a cognitive construct. The aim of the study is to identify the conceptual correspondence between two concepts based on the detection of cognitive-associative links using the material provided by two groups of adolescents: ones with normal hearing (n = 42) and ones with impaired hearing (n = 41). The study is novel in that it is the first to consider the levels of conceptual correspondence within cognitive constructs as larger structures of encoded knowledge activated as a result of the emergence of cognitive-associative links between concepts. The results of the experimental study revealed three levels, i.e. complete conceptual correspondence (66.65% and 14.6%), incomplete conceptual correspondence (7.14% and 21.95%), lack of conceptual correspondence (7.14% and 48.77%), among hearing and hearing-impaired adolescents, respectively, which showed the importance of speech ability in establishing cognitive-associative links.


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The reported study was carried out as a part of the state assignment in the sphere of science of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (topic No. QRPK-2023-0018).

Author information

Nina Ivanovna Kolodina


Voronezh State Pedagogical University

Anastasiya Yur'evna Pobeda

Voronezh State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 1, 2023.
  • Published: June 15, 2023.


  • концепт
  • методика установления концептуального соответствия
  • формирование когнитивных конструктов
  • когнитивно-ассоциативные связи
  • слышащие и слабослышащие подростки
  • concept
  • methodology for establishing conceptual correspondence
  • formation of cognitive constructs
  • cognitive-associative links
  • hearing and hearing-impaired adolescents


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