• Original research article
  • April 10, 2024
  • Open access

Peculiarities of conveying logical inferences when translating an English simple sentence into Russian


The aim of the study is to identify regular correspondences in the ways of representing logical inferences when translating a simple English sentence into Russian. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that a comparative analysis of the linguistic forms of the original and the translation is carried out for the first time at two levels of the text (logical and linguistic) and the ways of translating such a complex form of thought as a logical inference from English into Russian are identified. As a result, it was found that in most cases, the form of thought (inference) is preserved during translation. The reasons for non-preservation of inferences when translating from one language to another were identified. These include: a) incomplete translation, b) loss of the semantic causal relationship between the parts of the sentence characteristic of the original. It was shown that syntactic structures, representing the formal side of translation, are most susceptible to changes during the translation process, indicating the richness of the natural (Russian) language, which has synonymous means of expressing inferences. It was revealed that the degree of clarity of inference representation in translation (high, medium, low) depends on the presence or absence of formal linguistic means of explicating inferences in the target language. A comparison of the “English” explicators of logical inferences with their “Russian” translation counterparts made it possible to compare the scale of the degree of clarity of inferences expression during translation. It was proved that the scale of the degree of clarity of inferences expression in the original and the translation in most cases does not coincide.


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Author information

Irina Nikolaevna Nikitina


Samara State University of Economics

Natalya Valerevna Panina


Samara National Research University

Ekaterina Valerevna Kopshukova


Samara National Research University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: March 1, 2024.
  • Published: April 10, 2024.


  • логико-грамматический анализ
  • логическое умозаключение
  • простое предложение
  • перевод
  • английский язык
  • русский язык
  • logical-grammatical analysis
  • logical inference
  • simple sentence
  • translation
  • English language
  • Russian language


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