• Original research article
  • April 24, 2024
  • Open access

Use of lexical means for expressing a literary image (based on the novel “In Search of the First Land” by E. D. Aypin)


The paper is devoted to the system of linguistic means used to embody a literary image, the specifics of their functioning in a literary work, as well as the characteristics of the language of a regional text. The research aims to describe the lexical linguistic means involved in creating the image of a man in a literary text. The paper is original in that it is the first to consider a new novel by the well-known Ugric writer E. D. Aypin in terms of studying the linguistic means through which the author creates his artistic world, outlining the artistic space of his characters. Since the literary image in the text is represented solely by linguistic means, presenting the system of such means is necessary for a more complete and profound understanding of the character, or the literary image that is key to the author’s intention. As a result of the research, it is for the first time discovered that the lexical means in this novel, although not numerous, are nonetheless quite diverse. Their diversity serves as an indicator of the detailed representation of the work’s protagonist and recreates the unique ethnopoetics of this literary text.


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Author information

Nataliia Grigorievna Dolzhenko


Ugra State University, Khanty-Mansiysk

Svetlana Dmitrievna Glukhova

Ugra State University, Khanty-Mansiysk

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 10, 2024.
  • Published: April 24, 2024.


  • художественный образ
  • лексические средства
  • лексический повтор
  • метафора
  • этнографизм
  • literary image
  • lexical means
  • lexical repetition
  • metaphor
  • ethnographic word


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