• Original research article
  • May 29, 2024
  • Open access

The specifics of the narrator in F. Sologub’s novel “The Petty Demon”


The article examines the narrative organization of Fyodor Sologub’s novel “The Petty Demon”, which is currently insufficiently studied. The purpose of the research is to determine the typological features of the narrator in the novel “The Petty Demon”. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the novel is analyzed from the point of view of narratology and specific features of the narrator are revealed. Special attention is paid to the category of “points of view”. The article consistently analyzes the planes of its manifestation: perceptual, ideological, spatial, temporal and linguistic. By comparing the narrative strategies implemented in the novel and modeling a special view of artistic reality, it was possible to record changes in the narrator’s “point of view”. As a result, it is established that the narrator in the “The Petty Demon” is a complexly arranged impersonal narrative instance that does not belong to the diegesis and is expressed explicitly. In addition, it was found out that the status of an “omniscient” and “omnipresent” narrator forms a kind of universal character of what is happening within the fictitious world of the novel, and the change in the parameters of the “identification” and “objectivity” of the narrative instance determines the broad semantic amplitude of Sologub’s text.


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Author information

Mikhail Aleksandrovich Zharkov

Russian State Hydrometeorological University, St. Petersburg

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 15, 2024.
  • Published: May 29, 2024.


  • роман Ф. Сологуба «Мелкий бес»
  • специфика нарратора
  • точка зрения нарратора
  • нарративные стратегии
  • F. Sologub’s novel “The Petty Demon”
  • narrator’s specifics
  • narrator’s point of view
  • narrative strategies


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