• Original research article
  • May 30, 2024
  • Open access

The story “The Difficult, Full of Adversities and Dangers Life of Ivan Semenov, a Second-Grader and a Second-Year Student” by L. I. Davydychev in a modern film interpretation


The purpose of the research is to identify the reasons that led to the change in the film interpretation of L. I. Davydychev’s story “The Difficult, Full of Adversities and Dangers Life of Ivan Semenov, a Second-Grader and a Second-Year Student” (1962) at the present stage compared with the Soviet film adaptation of 1966 by studying the features of the modern film interpretation. Based on the comparative analysis of the children’s humorous story by L. I. Davydychev, its 1966 film adaptation and the 2022 remake, the paper examines the positive ideological and moral impact of Soviet art on the personality of a child and the purely entertaining, manipulative nature of the modern genre of a “family film”, rooted in Russian cinema as a substitute for children’s feature films. The study is novel in that it is the first to reveal signs of a new form of existence of L. I. Davydychev’s literary text, i.e., a film interpretation with the transfer of action to modernity, based on the material of the comparative analysis of the above-mentioned original text by L. I. Davydychev, its film interpretation and the 2022 film reinterpretation. As a result of the research, it is proved that the ideological and moral attitudes significant for the writer in the literary text and in the script of the 1966 film were completely revised and distorted by the creators of the modern remake, who focused on commercial success and related socio-cultural trends during its production.


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Author information

Natalia Viktorovna Norina


Solikamsk State Pedagogical Institute (branch) of Perm State National Research University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 19, 2024.
  • Published: May 30, 2024.


  • Л. И. Давыдычев
  • повесть «Многотрудная, полная невзгод и опасностей жизнь Ивана Семёнова, второклассника и второгодника»
  • киноинтерпретация художественного текста
  • перенос действия в современность
  • L. I. Davydychev
  • story “The Difficult, Full of Adversities and Dangers Life of Ivan Semenov, a Second-Grader and a Second-Year Student”
  • film interpretation of a literary text
  • transfer of action to modernity


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