• Original research article
  • August 23, 2024
  • Open access

Markers of synergetics in modern poetic discourse (by the example of I. Zhdanov’s lyrical poetry)


The aim of the study is to reflect on the specifics of modern poetic discourse in the linguosynergetic paradigm. The scientific novelty of the study lies in identifying markers of synergetics in poetry using the example of Ivan Zhdanov’s lyrical works, searching for analytical tools to “decode” the meaning of a work. The metabola and its role in the organization of the hypertext space of a lyrical work are analyzed as one of the main markers of the synergetic nature of Zhdanov’s poetry. While analyzing I. Zhdanov’s poems, an idea is developed that the use of the metabola is a manifestation of the author’s strategy of synergetic comprehension of material and metaphysical realities. The metabola contributes to the formation of semantic “voids”, generating an endless “branching” of meaning, which makes lyrical discourse a bifurcation zone, an open dynamic system. As a result, it was proved that the analysis of modern poetic texts should be based on the specifics of a unique authorial strategy and consideration of a literary text as a phenomenon of the semiosphere, a complex self-organizing system that generates meaning.


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Author information

Yuliya Alekseevna Akopova


Rostov State University of Economics

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: July 8, 2024.
  • Published: August 23, 2024.


  • синергийный поэтический дискурс
  • метареализм
  • маркеры синергетичности
  • метабола
  • зона бифуркации
  • synergetic poetic discourse
  • meta-realism
  • markers of synergetics
  • metabola
  • bifurcation zone


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