Development of a digital model for identifying fake news: Analysis of linguistic markers and contextual features
The purpose of the study is to establish criteria for distinguishing a fake from related linguistic phenomena based on the analysis of the frequency of word usage, which will serve as the basis for a digital model of primary identification of fake news. A study of a set of N-grams and content words in the KWIC format, taking into account the context, allowed us to establish that foreign policy is the predominant topic for fake news in 2014-2021. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the following: the coincidence of contexts and the absence of unique lexemes, established in the framework of the analysis, made it possible to conclude that the similarity of non-fake and fake texts is due to the masking of the latter under typical media discourse texts, which complicates the procedure for their processing. As a result of the study, the hypothesis about the fulfillment of such a differentiating and identifying role by functional words is proved. The presence of such words helps to hide the false nature of the message and block the reader’s critical thinking. Fake news texts are characterized by the anonymity of the author and the presence of a semantic component “uncertainty”, which at the verbal level is expressed in a decrease in the proportion of personal pronouns and the predominance of impersonal and indefinite personal constructions.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 14, 2024.
- Published: November 25, 2024.
- фейковые новости
- смысловой компонент «неопределенность»
- корпусная лингвистика
- речевое воздействие
- неполнознаменательные лексемы
- fake news
- semantic component “uncertainty”
- corpus linguistics
- speech impact
- functional lexemes
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