Active processes in the morphological system of the modern Russian journalistic style: Innovations and archaisms
The aim of the study is to establish trends in the use of innovative and archaic morphological forms in the aspect of productive processes in the modern Russian language using the example of the journalistic style. The scientific novelty of the study is that it provides the first description of trends in the development of the morphological system of the modern Russian language in terms of the use of linguistic innovations and archaisms at the morphological level in the journalistic style, which reflect trends in the manifestation of analytical features in the language. The study found that the modern Russian language demonstrates stable analytical tendencies, which are determined by the penetration of non-literary forms into the literary language. In the course of the analysis of the material selected from the texts of modern journalism, the following patterns were identified: 1) a decrease in the number of cases; 2) simplification of the declension paradigm of nouns; 3) an increase in the use of unchangeable nouns and adjectives, reflecting the tendency to use abbreviations; 4) an increase in the importance of nouns with a common gender. These processes indicate a strengthening of analytical tendencies in the modern Russian language, which is manifested in a decrease in the number of morphemes.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 13, 2024.
- Published: December 25, 2024.
- морфологическая система
- современный русский язык
- актуальные морфологические процессы
- языковые инновации
- архаизмы
- публицистический стиль
- morphological system
- modern Russian language
- current morphological processes
- linguistic innovations
- archaisms
- journalistic style
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