Lexicographic representation of the terms “text” and “discourse”
The purpose of the study is a comprehensive presentation of the modern lexicographic scientific representation of the terms “discourse” and “text” in dictionary works reflecting linguistic terminology published in the Russian Federation at the end of the 20th – 21st centuries. Close attention is paid to identifying bibliographic article-by-article lists in dictionary entries. The paper provides a comparative analysis of lexicographic texts, which includes consideration of not only the definitions of the terms “discourse” and “text”, but also the definition of the specificity of dictionary entries in general, for example, an increased information level presented in various types of secondary information (review, bibliographic list, etc.). The frequency of inclusion of etymological reference and translation into other languages are determined. The scientific novelty of the research consists in a comprehensive review of dictionary entries devoted to these terms and a schematic visualization of scientific knowledge fixed lexicographically. As a result, it is proved that the conducted analysis indicates a multifaceted and continuous scientific understanding of these terms by scientists.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 18, 2024.
- Published: January 16, 2025.
- терминография лингвистики
- словарь лингвистических терминов
- структура словарной статьи
- дефинирование термина «дискурс»
- дефинирование термина «текст»
- terminology of linguistics
- dictionary of linguistic terms
- structure of the dictionary entry
- definition of the term “discourse”
- definition of the term “text”
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