French professional argot in the network communication of entrepreneurs
In line with the linguopragmatic approach, French professional argot is studied using the example of the discourse of entrepreneurs involved in online communication on Internet sites, in particular professional forums. The purpose of the scientific essay is to systematize professional argot based on semantic and pragmatic analysis and taking into account the linguistic and axiological realization of the representation of the economic activity of a modern economic enterprise in the remote work mode. The types of argotic expressions are investigated, those signs of lexical units that are being updated in a professional context are emphasized, evaluative connotations are shown. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the typologization of French professional argot in the field of business, in identifying its specifics in the network communication of representatives of a modern company. As a result, the dominant linguistic models of French argot in representations of economic activity and their axiological features are shown.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: December 2, 2024.
- Published: January 17, 2025.
- профессиональное арго
- экономическая коммуникация
- сетевое общение предпринимателей
- аксиологические коннотации
- словообразовательные модели арготизмов
- professional argot
- economic communication
- network communication of entrepreneurs
- axiological connotations
- word-formation models of argotisms
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