The role of speech melody in shaping the semantics of Boris Pasternak's poem "Like Them"
The purpose of the study is to determine the role of intonation characteristics of B. L. Pasternak's lyrical works in constructing the meaning of the text. The article describes the functions of the melodics of speech in B. L. Pasternak's poem "Like Them", examines the main role of the melodics of a lyrical work, influencing the content of the entire text, helping to create the image of a lyrical hero and revealing the author's intention. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the analysis of the lyrical composition of B. L. Pasternak's poem "Like Them" and in identifying the influence of the melody of the lyrical text on its semantic content. The article describes the techniques of constructing a poetic text, with the help of which the melodic structure of a poem is created, which is directly related to the meaning, semantic and syntactic aspects of the content of a lyrical work. The melody of a particular text is considered as an expressive sign that reveals the state of the hero, the author's position, and the intent of the entire lyrical work. The results of the study of the features of the melodic-forming system of lyrics, phonological and rhythmic-rhymological intersections in the melodic pattern of a poetic text are to identify ways to construct the semantic space of the text and determine the influence of the melodic poetic speech of B. L. Pasternak on the meaning of the work.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: October 27, 2024.
- Published: January 21, 2025.
- интонационный рисунок стихотворения
- лирическая композиция
- мелодика лирического произведения
- семантика художественного текста
- фоносемантика
- intonation pattern of a poem
- lyrical composition
- melodics of a lyrical work
- semantics of a literary text
- phonosemantics
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