• Original research article
  • June 9, 2008
  • Open access



In the article the influence of "indigenous" languages and cultures on the Spanish language of Tabasco state is considered; the features of functioning of lexical units in the Spanish language of Tabasco state are analyzed. Their classification of the following type is carried out: lexical units common for all Spanish-speaking countries; lexical dialecticisms themselves playing the role of the synonyms of literary language; ethnographic dialecticisms which are the names of such specific things and phenomena which are the characteristics for the zone of dialect prevalence only; semantic dialecticisms representing the dialect meaning of words in general use.


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Author information

I. V. Smirnova

Russian University of Peoples' Friendship

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: June 9, 2008.


  • «туземные» языки и культуры
  • испанский язык штата Табаско
  • лексические единицы
  • лексические диалектизмы
  • этнографические диалектизмы
  • семантические диалектизмы
  • "indigenous" languages and cultures
  • Spanish language of Tabasco state
  • lexical units
  • lexical dialecticisms
  • ethnographic dialecticisms
  • semantic dialecticisms


© 2008 The Author(s)
© 2008 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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