• Original research article
  • November 11, 2008
  • Open access



The beginning of sociopolitical reforms in the first third of the XXth century is accompanied by the subconscious approaching of literature to ideological mythology. The mythological conceptions of the Soviet epoch and ideological mytho-poetics influence M. Dzhalil's poetry: ideological motives dominate in the lyrics, among the actual characters of the Soviet myth the archetypes of a hero, an enemy, a wise father and Native land play the leading role.


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  5. Минцель Б. Советская лирика сталинской эпохи: мотивы, жанры, направления // Соцреалистический канон: Сб. статей под общей ред. Х. Гюнтера и Е. Добренко. - СПб.: Академический проект, 2000. - С. 953-969.
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Author information

N. M. Yusupova

Kazan State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: November 11, 2008.


  • словесность
  • идеологическая мифология
  • мифологические концепции
  • поэзия М. Джалиля
  • архетипы героя, врага, «мудрого отца» и Родины-матери
  • literature
  • ideological mythology
  • mythological conceptions
  • M. Dzhalil's poetry
  • archetypes of hero, enemy, "wise father" and Native land


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© 2008 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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