• Original research article
  • May 22, 2009
  • Open access



Synesthetic transfers from the area of taste to other spheres of sensorium are considered in the article. Within the framework of the term synesthetic metaphor synesthesia sensation→emotion is investigated alongside with the traditional transfers sensation→sensation. The analysis of the received results proves the necessity of wider interpretation of the principle of hierarchical distribution.


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Author information

E. N. Kolodkina

Dzhen Shu University, Taiwan

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 22, 2009.


  • синестетические переносы
  • сферы сенсориума
  • синестетическая метафора
  • синестезия
  • принцип иерархической дистрибуции
  • synesthetic transfers
  • spheres of sensorium
  • synesthetic metaphor
  • synesthesia
  • principle of hierarchical distribution


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