• Original research article
  • May 10, 2010
  • Open access



In the article linguistic (syntactic, lexical-semantic, context-compositional) and extra-linguistic means of the communicative semantization of the implicit meaning of evaluation intensity are considered, the decisive roles of linguistic and extra-linguistic context in the creation of implicit meanings and the function of evaluating utterances containing the implicit meaning of intensity in a text semantic structure are revealed.


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Author information

Tatyana Egorovna Zmeeva

State University - Higher School of Economics

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 10, 2010.


  • коммуникативная имплицитность
  • интенсивная оценка
  • интенсификаторы оценки
  • коммуникативная семантизация имплицитных значений
  • лингвистический контекст
  • экстралингвистический контекст
  • ситуация
  • communicative implicitness
  • intensive evaluation
  • evaluation intensificators
  • communicative semantization of implicit meanings
  • linguistic context
  • extra-linguistic context
  • situation


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