• Original research article
  • March 29, 2011
  • Open access



In the article the peculiarities of disapproval expression by native speakers of German depending on their sex are considered. Disapproving statements gender specificity is revealed during the analysis of three groups of gender markers characterizing men and women's communicative behavior in a disapproval situation: lexical, syntactic and expressive-stylistic.


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Author information

Ekaterina Yur'evna Dzhandalieva

Volgograd State Technical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 29, 2011.


  • высказывание с пропозициональной семантикой неодобрения
  • оценочное высказывание
  • рациональная оценка
  • эмоциональная оценка
  • директивная интенция
  • экспрессивность
  • гендерный маркер
  • гендерный стереотип
  • statement with propositional semantics of disapproval
  • evaluating statement
  • rational estimate
  • emotional estimate
  • directive intention
  • expressiveness
  • gender marker
  • gender stereotype


© 2011 The Author(s)
© 2011 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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