• Original research article
  • September 24, 2012
  • Open access



The author considers the content of one of the methodological model elements of a foreign language legal culture. The theoretical description of the culture under study allows the adequate representation of cultural reality comparable with the real one under educational conditions. The set of model elements developed in the light of culturological and linguistic researches results shows the systematic character of culture organization and content in methodological perspective necessary and sufficient for learning a foreign language at university.


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Author information

Elena Aleksandrovna Pankratova

Murom Institute (Branch) of Vladimir State University named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletovs

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: September 24, 2012.


  • иноязычное образование
  • методическая модель иноязычной культуры
  • правовая культура
  • семиотическое (знаковое) поле
  • язык права
  • семиотический базис правовой культуры
  • foreign language education
  • methodological model of foreign language culture
  • legal culture
  • semiotic (sign) field
  • language of law
  • semiotic basis of legal culture


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