• Original research article
  • October 16, 2012
  • Open access



The author considers two hagiographical writings, little-known in domestic literary criticism, and devoted to John Chrysostom, the bishop of Constantinople, the celebrated rhetorician and preacher, written at the beginning of the Vth century, pays special attention to the analysis of the literary form and genre features of these works, and shows that this analysis helps demonstrate their literary identity and, at the same time, reveals some aspects of literary development within this period.


  1. Dagemark S. John Chrysostom the Monk-Bishop: a Comparison between Palladios' and Possidius' Pictures of a Bishop // Giovanni Crisostomo: Oriente e Occidente tra IV e V secolo, XXXIII Incontro di studiosi dell'antichità cristiana, Augustinianum 6-8 maggio 2004, Roma (Studia Ephemeridis Augustinianum 93). Roma: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2005. P. 933-1031.
  2. Delehaye H. Les passions des martyres et les genres littéraires. Bruxelles, 1921. VIII+468 p.
  3. Menander Rhetor / edited with translation and commentary by D. A. Russell and N. G. Wilson. Oxford, 1981. X+390 p.
  4. Ommeslaeghe F. van. De lijkrede voor Johannes Chrysostomus toegeschreven aan Martyrius van Antiochie. Tekstuitgave met Commentaar Hoofdstukken uit de Historische Kritiek : PhD diss. Louvain, 1974.
  5. Ommeslaeghe F. van. Jean Chrysostome en conflit avec l'impératrice Eudoxie // Analecta Bollandiana. Bruxelles, 1979. T. 97. P. 131-159.
  6. Ommeslaeghe F. van. La valeur historique de la Vie de S. Jean Chrysostome attribuée à Marturius d'Antioche (BHG 871) // Studia Patristica. Berlin, 1975. Vol. XII. P. 478-483.
  7. Palladios. Dialogue sur la Vie de Jean Chrysostome / introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes par A.-M. Malingrey et Ph. Leclercq // Sources Chrétiennes. Paris, 1988. T. 1. № 341. 451 p.

Author information

Aleksandra Sergeevna Balakhovskaya

Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of World Literature named after A. M. Gor'kii

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: October 16, 2012.


  • агиографическое сочинение
  • жанр
  • энкомий
  • античная литература
  • христианская литература
  • hagiographical writing
  • genre
  • encomium
  • ancient literature
  • Christian literature


© 2012 The Author(s)
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