• Original research article
  • November 20, 2012
  • Open access



The author considers the early period of Joachim Du Bellay’s creativity (1522-1560). In 1553 Joachim Du Bellay paid critical attention to his first poetic experiments. Love chanting of a lady in the first sonnet cycle “Olive” of 1549 gave way to the court glorification of a high-ranking patroness in “Selected Poems”. Rivalry between two poetic forms - sonnet and ode – seemed to lead to the triumph of the latter, altisonant love rhetoric was replaced by an average style typical of Horace ode. Finally, the aesthetic searching of the author of the Pleiades manifesto was supplemented by reflections about a poet’s ethos.


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  3. Du Bellay J. La Deffence et illustration de la langue françoyse. Genève, 2008.
  4. Du Bellay J. Œuvres complètes. P., 2003. V. 2.
  5. Du Bellay J. Œuvres poétiques. P., 2009. V. 1.
  6. Fucilla J. Sources of Du Bellay’s ‘Contre les Pétrarquistes’ // Modern Philology. Chicago, 1930-1931. T. XXVIII. Р. 1-11.
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  8. Nash J. Celle «beauté nompareille»: Du Bellay et l’écriture de l’impossible // Du Bellay: Actes du Colloque International d'Angers du 26 au 29 mai 1989. Angers, 1990. Vol. 1. P. 15-30.
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Author information

Vladimir Pavlovich Avdonin

Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: November 20, 2012.


  • Возрождение во Франции
  • поэзия Плеяды
  • Жоашен Дю Белле
  • петраркизм
  • Renaissance in France
  • Pleiades poetry
  • Joachim Du Bellay
  • Petrarchism


© 2012 The Author(s)
© 2012 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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