• Original research article
  • December 3, 2012
  • Open access



The author reveals the content of the notion “iconic text” and the history of its origin, emphasizes the theoretical foundations of its study suggesting the directions of poly-semiotics and intertextuality as the precursors of iconic text theory, and also describes the unique properties of iconic text as a syncretic semiotic system and the main problems of its research.


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Author information

Polina Leonidovna Gorelik

Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: December 3, 2012.


  • семиотика
  • иконотекст
  • полисемиотичность
  • интертекстуальность
  • синкретичные семиотические системы
  • взаимодействие текста и образа
  • semiotics
  • iconic text
  • poly-semiotics
  • intertextuality
  • syncretic semiotic system
  • interaction of text and image


© 2012 The Author(s)
© 2012 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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