• Original research article
  • December 3, 2012
  • Open access



The author suggests considering the Russian literature of the ХIX th century as one of the sources of primitivism, which found its diverse reflection in the cultural consciousness of the Silver Age, and finds the basis for such a view by analyzing the interpretation of A. S. Pushkin’s heritage conducted by poets and thinkers at the turn of the XIX th-XX th centuries and his role in the dissemination of anti-cultural attitudes.


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  3. Иванов В. И. По звездам. Борозды и межи / вступ. статья, сост. и примеч. В. В. Сапова. М.: Астрель, 2007. 1137 с.
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Author information

Natal'ya Fagimovna Fedotova

Kazan’ (Volga Region) Federal University (Branch) in Naberezhnye Chelny

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: December 3, 2012.


  • искусство рубежа XIX-XX вв
  • переоценка русской литературы XIX в
  • примитивизм
  • генетика примитивизма
  • трансформация художественного сознания
  • art of the turn of the XIX -XX centuries
  • revaluation of the Russian literature of the XIX century
  • primitivism
  • genetics of primitivism
  • transformation of artistic consciousness


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© 2012 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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