• Original research article
  • February 2, 2013
  • Open access



The author considers one of the most interesting questions of linguo-culturology - the notion of (American) linguistic personality, tells that for the description of national language the notion of the American linguistic personality is systemically important, and undertakes the attempt to achieve the new synthesis of American English knowledge, refracted through the structure of the American linguistic personality.


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Author information

Nadezhda Vladimirovna Pospelova

Kazan’ Federal University in Elabuga, Republic of Tatarstan

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: February 2, 2013.


  • языковая личность
  • американская языковая личность
  • национально-маркированные элементы
  • этническое многообразие
  • лингвокультура
  • культурно обусловленная ментальность
  • linguistic personality
  • American linguistic personality
  • nationally marked elements
  • ethnic diversity
  • linguo-culture
  • culturally conditioned mentality


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© 2013 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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