• Original research article
  • May 8, 2013
  • Open access



The author reveals the conceptual content of the title in play “North” by V. Durnenkov, and analyzes the aesthetically defining ideas of playwright’s literary text, which find organic expression in the poetics of tragedy, open up new possibilities for the interpretation of eternal themes in literature in the projection on the spiritual-moral state of modern society and human inner world.


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Author information

Aleksandr Yur'evich Meshchanskii

Classical Institute of Branch of North (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov in Severodvinsk

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 8, 2013.


  • современная новая драма
  • «негероический герой»
  • символика севера
  • проблема духовной деградации
  • российское общество
  • modern new drama
  • “unheroic hero”
  • symbolism of the north
  • problem of spiritual degradation
  • Russian society


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© 2013 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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