• Original research article
  • May 20, 2013
  • Open access



The author researches the features of human representation and personality’s aspects of the novel hero, reveals the significance of novel hero’s personality in the novel structure, in this regard considers the historical typology of M. M. Bakhtin’s novel, pays attention to individual’s consciousness components and the types of personality’s concept of life, and basing on the analysis of hero’s personality in the modern British novels determines the novel type typical to this literature as a novel of personal crisis.


  1. Бахтин М. М. Эстетика словесного творчества. М.: Искусство, 1979. 424 с.
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  6. Пестерев В. А. Модификации романной формы в прозе Запада второй половины ХХ столетия. Волгоград: Изд-во ВолГУ, 1999. 312 с.
  7. Рымарь Н. Т. Введение в теорию романа. Воронеж: Изд-во Воронеж. ун-та, 1989. 271 с.
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Author information

Nataliya Valer'evna Smolyanchuk

Horlivka Institute for Foreign Languages of Donbass State Pedagogical University, Ukraine

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 20, 2013.


  • роман
  • тип романа
  • герой
  • личность
  • сознание
  • мировоззрение
  • novel
  • novel type
  • hero
  • personality
  • consciousness
  • worldview


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