The author researches the form and status of verbal complement in structures with functorial predicates expressed by verbs with meaning “lack of implementation” and “ insufficiency”, and tells that the analysis allows revealing the ability of verbs to be combined with impersonal forms, based on the congruence of their semantics and the categorical meaning of a corresponding form, and determining the dependence between the choice of the structure and categorical meaning of the verb.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Published: July 10, 2013.
- функторный предикат
- пропозиционный предикат
- бипредикат
- вербальный комплемент
- категориальное значение
- неличные формы глагола
- functorial predicate
- propositional predicate
- bipredicate
- verbal complement
- categorical meaning
- impersonal forms of verb
© 2013 The Author(s)
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