• Original research article
  • July 10, 2013
  • Open access



The author discusses a new paradigm of Internet communications linguistic features and the development of new models of users’ linguistic behaviour under conditions of global network, and expresses the viewpoint that the Internet is becoming an important tool for the expansion of languages ​​and cultures, and the increase of network language contacts will lead to the development of xenolect communication.


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Author information

Lusine Grantovna Fldzhyan

Erevan State Linguistic University named after V. Bryusov, Armenia

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: July 10, 2013.


  • ксенолектная коммуникация
  • поликультурная языковая личность
  • фигура автора
  • интернет
  • модель лингвистического поведения
  • xenolect communication
  • multi-cultural linguistic personality
  • figure of author
  • Internet
  • model of linguistic behaviour


© 2013 The Author(s)
© 2013 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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