• Original research article
  • August 16, 2013
  • Open access



This article reveals the evolution of the sentence members order (subject, predicate, and object) in the French language. Particular attention is paid to the language prerequisites that affected certain changes in syntax. The word order was replaced by sufficiently large variety beginning from sentence components sequence in the Old French language to fixed order word, which became the norm in the classical period. The cases of inversion in some circumstances date back to the Old French language status.


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Author information

Anna Mikhailovna Elivanova

North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosov

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: August 16, 2013.


  • исторический синтаксис
  • порядок слов
  • инверсия
  • невыраженность подлежащего
  • historical syntax
  • word order
  • inversion
  • unexpressedness of subject


© 2013 The Author(s)
© 2013 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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