• Original research article
  • September 3, 2013
  • Open access



The individual-authorial concept “anger” is described by the material of the story “Burning Secret” of Austrian writer of the first half of the XX th century Stefan Zweig. The basic status of this concept is ascertained. A number of key semantic groups in the conceptual sphere of this story is revealed, among them are the following – “Fighting the emotion of anger”, “Secrecy of feelings of anger”, “Somatic expression of anger”, “Uncontrollability of anger by a man”, etc. The associative-figurative signs of concept “anger” (fire, flame, smoke, tears, trembling of the body, dam, punch) are determined.


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Author information

Nikolai Alekseevich Krasavskii

Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: September 3, 2013.


  • концепт
  • индивидуально-авторский концепт
  • концептосфера
  • семантическая группа
  • метафора
  • образ
  • ассоциативно-образный признак
  • оценка
  • ассоциация
  • concept
  • individual-authorial concept
  • conceptual sphere
  • semantic group
  • metaphor
  • image
  • associative-figurative sign
  • evaluation
  • association


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