• Original research article
  • September 3, 2013
  • Open access



Terms and professionalisms with a semantic component of “money” serve to verbalize the qualitative, quantitative, and functional characteristics of money that are formed in the modern system of financial-economic relations and representing the structure of stereotypical events of the world of economy. The method of conceptual categorization of financial-economic terminological vocabulary with taking into account the factor of extra-linguistic knowledge allows the author not only to organize this class of lexical units into a semantic network, but also to reveal the cognitive bases of the semantic representation of the conceptual sphere “Money”.


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Author information

Alla Vasil'evna Mikhailova

Stavropol' State Agrarian University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: September 3, 2013.


  • концептосфера «Money»
  • термины и профессионализмы финансово-экономического дискурса
  • семантическая репрезентация
  • дифференцирующие когнитивно-семантические параметры
  • семантический «паттерн»
  • концептуальная категоризация
  • семантическая сеть
  • conceptual sphere “Money”
  • terms and professionalisms of financial-economic discourse
  • semantic representation
  • differentiating cognitive-semantic parameters
  • semantic “pattern”
  • conceptual categorization
  • semantic network


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