• Original research article
  • November 12, 2013
  • Open access



The article considers the reflection features of the magical realism traditions in the Daniel Kehlmann’s novel «Measuring the World». The author of the article focuses a special attention on the writer’s work philosophy where the reality transforms with help of the person mind and word magic and carries a powerful consolidating impulse. The article describes some characteristic phenomena of the magical realism; emphasizes the unity with the cult novel «One Hundred Years of Solitude» by G. Garcia Marquez.


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Author information

Yuliya Konstantinovna Kazakova

Elabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: November 12, 2013.


  • магический реализм
  • латиноамериканская литература
  • Даниель Кельман
  • роман «Измеряя мир»
  • мифологическое мышление
  • magical realism
  • Latin American literature
  • Daniel Kehlmann
  • novel «Measuring the World»
  • mythological thinking


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