• Original research article
  • December 12, 2013
  • Open access



In the article the analysis of poems devoted to the great Turkic poet Nâzim Hikmet after his death is given; his poetry influence on the Azerbaijani poetry is considered. The poems devoted to Nâzim Hikmet since the 60s of the last century have had a great meaning for the artistic perception of the poet’s many-sided creative work as well as for the creation of Nâzim Hikmet’s image in literature world. That is why the most characteristic poetic works devoted to Nâzim Hikmet were chosen and studied. His image was analyzed in the context of modern, historic and poetic meaningfulness. The article speaks of the poets, who knew Nâzim Hikmet in person, and the poets, who had never seen him but created poetic works on the basis of Nâzim Hikmet’s existing image.


  1. Azər Abdulla. Nazim Hikmət havası [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://gunxeber.com/?p=17416 (дата обращения: 10.12.2013).
  2. Əli Kərim. Həmişə səfərdə. Gənclik - Bakı, 1973. 63 səh.
  3. Əli Nazim. Seçilmiş əsərləri. Bakı, 1979. 374 səh.
  4. Nazim Hikmət. Seçilmiş əsərləri, iki cilddə, 1-ci cild. Bakı, 1961. 304 səh.
  5. Rza Rəsul [Электронный ресурс]. http://rasulrza.musigi-dunya.az/elektron_kitab.shtml (дата обращения: 10.12.2013).
  6. Vaqif Səmədoğlu. “İlahi, Mən burdayam”. Gənclik, 1997. 440 səh.
  7. Xalq cəbhəsi: qəzeti. 2002. Аprel 24.

Author information

Agil' Zabil' ogly Islamly

Sumqayit State University, Azerbaijan

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: December 12, 2013.


  • Назим Хикмет
  • поэзия Азербайджана
  • тюркская поэзия
  • Расул Рза
  • Вагиф Самед оглы
  • белый стих (свободная рифма)
  • динамика художественного образа
  • Nâzim Hikmet
  • Azerbaijani poetry
  • Turkic poetry
  • Rasul Rza
  • Vagif Samed ogly
  • blank verse (free rhyme)
  • dynamics of artistic image


© 2013 The Author(s)
© 2013 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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