• Original research article
  • February 4, 2014
  • Open access



The paper considers the structures, influencing the formation of a human conceptual system and categories formed on the basis of such structures. The class “things that cannot be done” in the Ossetian language, formed on the basis of idioms, is presented. During the analysis of the material under consideration the role of some concepts in the formation of human categories system is manifested. Similar concepts influence the formation of human ideas about the world around, not only through the expression of their internal attributes, but also on the basis of the consolidation of certain object’s attitude to a particular class.


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Author information

Chermen Gersanovich Gogichev

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: February 4, 2014.


  • концептуальная система
  • категории
  • базовый уровень
  • категориальный признак
  • когнитивный классификатор
  • гештальт
  • осетинский
  • conceptual system
  • categories
  • baseline
  • categorical attribute
  • cognitive classifier
  • gestalt
  • Ossetian


© 2014 The Author(s)
© 2014 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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