• Original research article
  • February 4, 2014
  • Open access



The topicality of the article is connected with the necessity to reconsider well-known facts about the features of mass communication in mass media: the linear character of the interaction between the journalist and his readers, where information is given “top-down” and feedback is difficult or impossible. The research scientific originality is conditioned by the fact that by the example of the French media-blogs the existence of a new type of mass communication, where the reader as well as the journalist participates in discourse constructing, is confirmed. And a stimulus for mass communication development is considered to be the reader’s disagreement with the journalist’s or other readers’ points of view, their style of exposition, a topic and even with the essence of described event.


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Author information

Natal'ya Vladimirovna Yavetskaya

Moscow State Linguistic University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: February 4, 2014.


  • французский язык
  • дискурс СМИ
  • массовая коммуникация
  • социопрагматика
  • медиаблоги
  • полемика читателя и журналиста
  • French language
  • discourse of mass media
  • mass communication
  • sociopragmatics
  • media-blogs
  • controversy of reader and journalist


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