• Original research article
  • March 3, 2014
  • Open access



This article contains the analysis results of units with negative polarization as the indicators of implicit evaluation. As the indicator of implicit evaluation the author understands the significant linguistic unit, indicating to the recipient the presence of implicit information in the text. The author undertakes the attempt to systematize the previously acquired knowledge about the negative polarization and to consider both already studied and first described negatively polarized units in terms of the ability to act as an indicator of implicit evaluations. The units with the so-called semantics of expectation form a separate block. As an object of the analysis the author uses the texts from various mass media – especially from television programmes and publications.


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Author information

Anastasiya Aleksandrovna Saltykova

Moscow State Mining University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 3, 2014.


  • индикаторы имплицитной оценки
  • имплицитная аксиологическая модальность
  • отрицательная поляризация
  • семантика
  • прагматика
  • implicit evaluation indicators
  • implicit axiological modality
  • negative polarization
  • semantics
  • pragmatics


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