• Original research article
  • March 25, 2014
  • Open access



The article raises a very significant for the studies of the Tatar folklore issue of written dastan epos, paying special attention to the role of epic folklore in the special development of the Tatar dastans. Written dastans are looked upon as a variety of a genre of epos. The author proposes an idea that the Tatar written dastans, being semi-folkloric, semi-literary creations, integrate in themselves the unity of traditional-typical and individual creativity.


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Author information

Liliya Khatipovna Mukhametzyanova

Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after G. Ibragimov of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: March 25, 2014.


  • эпос
  • фольклор
  • устный дастан
  • книжный дастан
  • разновидность
  • жанр
  • бытование
  • письменный
  • epos
  • folklore
  • oral dastan
  • written dastan
  • variety
  • genre
  • circulation
  • written


© 2014 The Author(s)
© 2014 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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