• Original research article
  • April 7, 2014
  • Open access



The author deals with the religious and philosophical aspects of Byron’s world outlook. Opinions of some authoritative domestic and foreign researchers and also Byron’s propositions in the diaries, letters and works of literature allow revealing the antinomic nature inherent to his thinking and identifying ineradicable contradictions in relation to Calvinism and Catholicism which played an ambiguous role in the spiritual and creative development of the English poet-romanticist.


  1. Байрон Д. Г. Дневники. Письма. М.: Наука, 1965. 439 с.
  2. Дьяконова Н. Я. Байрон: опыт психологического портрета // Великий романтик. Байрон и мировая литература. М.: Наука, 1991. С. 10-21.
  3. Byron // Religious Trends in English Poetry: in 5 vol. N. Y.: Columbia University Press, 1949. Vol. 3. P. 388-451.
  4. Byron's Letters and Journals: in 10 vol. / ed. by L. A. Marchand. Cambridge (Mass.), 1973-1982.
  5. Calvert W. J. Byron: Romantic Paradox. Chapel Hill, 1935. 235 р.
  6. Donnelly W. J. Byron and Catholicism // Byron and Scotland. Radical or Dandy? / ed. by A. Calder. Edinburgh, 1989. P. 44-51.
  7. Gleckner R. Byron and the Ruins of Paradise. Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1967. 365 р.
  8. Joseph M. K. Byron the Poet. L.: Gollancz, 1964. 346 р.
  9. Jump J. Byron's Prose // Byron. A Symposium. L., 1975. P. 16-34.
  10. Lovell E. J. His Very Self and Voice: Collected Conversations of Lord Byron. N. Y.: Macmillan, 1954. 676 р.
  11. McGann J. J. Fiery Dust. Byron's Poetic Development. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1968. 324 р.
  12. Medwin's Conversations of Lord Byron // Byron: Interviews and Recollections / ed. by N. Page, L. Basingstoke. Hampshire, 1985. 326 p.
  13. Quennell P. Byron. The Years of Fame. L., 1967. 256 р.
  14. Roston M. Biblical Drama in England. From the Middle Ages to the Present Day. L., 1968. 335 p.
  15. The Works of Lord Byron [Электронный ресурс]. Vol. 6 // Project Gutenberg. URL: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/18762/18762-h/18762-h.htm#Page_3 (дата обращения: 27.03.2014).
  16. Trueblood P. The Flowering of Byron's Genius. Studies in Byron's Don Juan. Stanford Univ., 1945. 183 р.

Author information

Elena Nikolaevna Mikhailenko

Bashkir State University, city of Ufa

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: April 7, 2014.


  • английская религиозная традиция Нового времени
  • кальвинизм
  • католицизм
  • романтическое мышление
  • религиозно-философские искания Байрона
  • English religious tradition of the New Epoch
  • Calvinism
  • Catholicism
  • romantic thinking
  • Byron’s religious and philosophical findings


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© 2014 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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