• Original research article
  • April 18, 2014
  • Open access



In the article the author refers to the real processes of communication, in particular, to the etiquette model of the apology in the British and Russian linguistic cultures and to the stratification of the speech etiquette as the marker of interpersonal relations. The etiquette communication is the vital and eternal theme, which nowadays, in the conditions of the intercultural contacts intensification, acquires a new meaning. In the article ​​the analysis of the metacommunicative, conventional apologies, as well as of the apologies in essence was conducted, the impact of the various factors on the character of the official apology is examined. The author concludes that the admission of one’s guilt and responsibility, as well as the abidance of sincerity conditions is typical only for the apologies in the ordinary everyday context, but not for the official apologies, which is typical for both cultures.


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Author information

Anna Aleksandrovna Moseiko

Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: April 18, 2014.


  • формульная модель поведения
  • коммуникативные шаги
  • статусно-ролевые предписания
  • извинения в бытовом этикете
  • официальные извинения
  • formula behaviour model
  • communication steps
  • status-role instructions
  • apologies in domestic etiquette
  • official apologies


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© 2014 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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