• Original research article
  • April 28, 2014
  • Open access



The author reveals the notion of the term "zoonym" which is a key component as a part of certain number of lexical units of scientific and technical type. Production branches where such zoonymic terms are in use are indicated. In the article zoonymic scientific and technical terms are analyzed from the point of view of their belonging to concrete categories, the number of mentioned terminological units in each category is stated. The author gives the classification of categories in scientific literature and her own classification. Examples from English and Russian are used in the analysis.


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  5. Культура русской речи: учебник для вузов / под ред. Л. К. Граудиной и Е. Н. Ширяева. М.: НОРМА-ИНФРА, 1999. 560 с.
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  7. Русско-английский политехнический словарь: около 90 000 терминов / под ред. Б. В. Кузнецова. М.: РУССО, 2007. 728 с.
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Author information

Elena Valentinovna Lopatina

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: April 28, 2014.


  • зооним
  • зоонимический термин
  • научно-технический термин
  • категория
  • терминологическая группа
  • производственные отрасли
  • функциональная сторона механизмов и физических явлений
  • общетехническая и нефтегазовая терминология
  • zoonym
  • zoonymic term
  • scientific and technical term
  • category
  • terminological group
  • production branches
  • functional side of mechanisms and physical phenomena
  • general technical and oil and gas terminology


© 2014 The Author(s)
© 2014 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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