• Original research article
  • May 7, 2014
  • Open access



The short story of the Austrian playwright and prose writer of the first half of the XIX century F. Halm “Die Freundinnen” (1860) represented the world-view of the biedermeier period founded on the conception of moral and social stability developed in the years of Restoration in Europe. At the same time the work of literature reconstructs more complicated picture of the reality appropriate to the social processes of the second half of the XIX century (psychological contradictoriness of the personages, indicated by the author conflict of a person and a society, heroine’s peculiar character).


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  2. Лошакова Г. А. Немецкая классика и художественная проза бидермейера в Австрии. Ульяновск: УлГу, 2013. 239 с.
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  4. Arendt D. Das novellistische Werk Friedrich Halms: Diss. Marburg, 1953. 128 S.
  5. Halm F. Werke / hrsg. von R. Fürst. Berlin - Leipzig - Wien: Bong und Co, [18.]. 248 S.
  6. Politzer H. Franz Grillparzer oder das Abgründige Biedermeier. Wien - Darmstadt: Zsolnay, 1990. 416 S.
  7. Reinecke Ch. Studien zu Halms Erzählungen und ihrer Technik: Diss. Tübingen, 1912. 62 S.
  8. Sengle F. Biedermeierzeit. Deutsche Literatur im Spannungsfeld zwischen Restauration und Revolution 1815-1848: in 3 Bd. Stuttgart: Metzler Verl, 1971. Bd. 1. Allgemeine Voraussetzungen, Richtungen, Darstellungsmittel. 725 S.; 1972. Bd. 2. Die Formenwelt. 1152 S.; 1980. Bd. 3. Die Dichter. 1162 S.

Author information

Galina Aleksandrovna Loshakova

Ulyanovsk State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 7, 2014.


  • литературный бидермейер
  • дискурс
  • новелла
  • резиньяция
  • двойничество
  • исторический фон
  • literary biedermeier
  • discourse
  • short story
  • resignation
  • duality
  • historical background


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