• Original research article
  • June 9, 2014
  • Open access



In the article the object of the research is the image of the river in the creativity of the English writer Ch. Dickens (by the example of the novel "Little Dorrit"). Main attention is paid to the revelation of the image structure absorbed all main features of the artistic space of the city created in the text and to the motive complexes modelling the Thames semantics in the novel. Profound understanding of the image specificity allows seeing clearer the author's main artistic intentions and creative strategies.


  1. Мешкова Т. Н. Свое / чужое в романе Ч. Диккенса «Домби и сын» // Вестник Тамбовского университета. 2005. № 4. С. 81-87.
  2. Топоров В. Н. Река // Мифы народов мира: энциклопедия: в 2-х т. М.: Советская энциклопедия, 1982. Т. 2. К-Я / ред. С. А. Токарев. С. 374-376.
  3. Черномазова М. Ю. Готические мотивы в романе Ч. Диккенса «Приключения Оливера Твиста» // Вестник Тамбовского университета. 2008. № 9. С. 179-182.
  4. Черномазова М. Ю. Традиции готической литературы в творчестве Чарльза Диккенса: дисс. … к. филол. н. М., 2010. 170 с.
  5. Ackroyd P. Dickens’ London: An Imagination Vision. London: Minerva, 1991. 192 p.
  6. Brook C. Signs for the Times. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1984. 216 р.
  7. Dickens Ch. Little Dorrit, book one: Poverty. Philadelphia: The Pennsylvania State University, 2000. 422 p.
  8. Dickens Ch. Little Dorrit, book two: Riches. Philadelphia: The Pennsylvania State University, 2000. 394 p.
  9. House H. The Dickens World. London: Oxford University Press, 1942. 267 p.

Author information

Dar'ya Aleksandrovna Andreeva

Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: June 9, 2014.


  • образ
  • река
  • Темза
  • Ч. Диккенс
  • Крошка Доррит
  • город
  • image
  • river
  • Thames
  • Ch. Dickens
  • Little Dorrit
  • city


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