• Original research article
  • July 14, 2014
  • Open access



The article examines the special features of the poetics of the Khakass heroic epos “Thrice Married Khan Mirgen”. The style of the Khakass heroic epos is characterized by epic formulas, epithets, comparisons, repetitions, metaphors. Epithets in the heroic epos are subdivided into the simple and composite, and this fact is one of the indicators of a high maturity of its poetic style. An important artistic and visual means of the Khakass heroic stories is a comparison. Epithets and comparisons frequently take a hyperbolic shade.


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  3. Майногашева В. Е. Хакасские сказители и певцы. Очерки, эссе о некоторых мастерах фольклора (на хак. и рус. языках). Абакан: Хак. кн. изд- во, 2000. 104 с.
  4. Орус-оол С. М. Сходство и своеобразие поэтики эпоса народов Сибири // Избранные научные труды. Абакан: ООО «Журналист», 2011. С. 13-35.
  5. Трижды женившийся Хан-Мирген - Eщхаталxаy Хан Мирген / зап. Т. Г. Тачеевой от П. В. Курбижекова. Рф. 622. 199 л.

Author information

Yuliya Innokent'evna Chaptykova

Khakass Research Institute of Language, Literature and History

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: July 14, 2014.


  • героический эпос
  • Курбижеков
  • поэтика
  • эпитет
  • сравнение
  • гипербола
  • heroic epos
  • Kurbizhekov
  • poetics
  • epithet
  • comparison
  • hyperbola


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