• Original research article
  • July 14, 2014
  • Open access



The article examines not previously investigated in the modern literary criticism problem of influence of the early works by M. Gorky and traditions of writers-neo-romanticists on Y. Rytkheu: the basis of the story “When the Whales Leave” is the exotic subject; the narration focuses on the heroic, extraordinary personalities reconstructed according to the rules of romantic art. Antithesis, images-symbols play an important role in the literary work, allegorical character and fabulousness of the narration are clearly manifested. Neo-romantic features as they are manifested with the northern writer in the peculiar interweaving, integration of a romantic and a real, in the creation of a special mythological space existing beyond the geographical and historical borders.


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Author information

Marina Anatol'evna Yurina

North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: July 14, 2014.


  • литературная традиция
  • неоромантизм
  • жанровая специфика
  • повесть-легенда
  • романтические образы
  • мифологическая модель времени
  • аллегоричность сюжета
  • literary tradition
  • neoromanticism
  • genre specifics
  • story-legend
  • romantic images
  • mythological model of time
  • allegorical character of a subject


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